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// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
* Rendering of a 3D function
* Suppose we have a function z=f(x,y) specified as an image, where
* pixel intensity z at point (x,y) is the value of the function f(x,y).
* We assume the map (function) is periodic, i.e., f(x+n*Dx,y+m*Dy)=f(x,y)
* for each integer n and m; Dx and Dy are dimensions of the map. We assume
* Dx = Dy = D. In the following, we assume that x, y are always within
* [0,D-1].
* The coordinate system (x,y,z) is chosen so that x increases along
* the horizontal lines, z is the elevation, and y increases "in depth".
* We would use a perspective projection with the center (x0, y0, z0)
* and the projection plane y=y0+eye_focus. So, the viewer looks from the
* point (x0,y0,z0) straight "in depth".
* When performing projection, we project the points of the map with y within
* [y0+eye_focus,y0+sight_depth]
* In doing the projections, we scan the 3D map along the line with y=const
* from y=y0+sight_depth to y=y0+eye_focus, that is, from farther to closer.
* Thus, we need to project a volume {x in [0,D), y in [y0+eye_focus,y0+sight_depth],
* z in [0,Z)} into the view plane {u in (0,Du), v in (0,Dv)}
* View plane is associated with the eye focal plane (and fixed at the observer,
* that is, us). We use a perspective transformation: draw a line from a point
* (x1,y1,z1) of the volume to a view point (x0,y0,z0), and see where the line
* intersects the view plane y=y0+eye_focus.
* The equation for the line connecting (x1,y1,z1) with (x0,y0,z0) is
* (x-x0)/(x1-x0) = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) = (z-z0)/(z1-z0)
* The line intersects the plane y=y0+eye_focus at a point
* x = x0 + (x1-x0)*factor
* z = z0 + (z1-z0)*factor
* with factor = eye_focus/(y1-y0)
* To finish the translation into the view port coordinates, we need to know
* the projection of our eye: if we look straight into the horizon, that is,
* y1=infinity, we see a point (x0,y0) at the view plane. We want this point
* to be suitably located in the view plane, that is, having the view plane
* coordinates (u=Du/2, v=horizon). It gives us necessary transformation formulas
* from a point (x,y,z) into the point (u,v) of the view plane
* u = Du/2 + (x-x0)*factor
* v = horizon + (z-z0)*factor
* where
* factor = eye_focus/(y-y0)
* Note that y >= y0+eye_focus always, therefore y>y0. That is, we can't see
* (at least distinctly) objects very close to our eyes, let alone objects
* behind our eyes. So, for all y we consider, 0<factor<=1
* If we scan the map along the line y=const, then 'factor' remains constant
* during the scan. Of course, we can increment x by one and then find
* the corresponding point (u,v) on the view plane and draw it.
* However, since the view plane is what we are going to display, it's
* better to increment u by one and then work it out back to x, find
* z value at (x,y) and compute v.
* So, the algorithm to process the scanline y=const is as follows:
* 1. fix y=const within [y0+eye_focus,y0+sight_depth] and compute
* factor=eye_focus/(y-y0)
* 2. compute xref = -D/2/factor + x0
* 3. for u=0 to D-1
* 4. compute x=(round)xref
* 5. find z=f(x,y) from the map
* 6. compute v = factor*(z-z0) + horizon
* 7. xref += 1/factor
* endfor
* Note, that the 'factor' should be represented as a fraction, since 0<factor<=1
* Division and multiplications by the factor are fixed-point arithmetic
* operations; xref is also a fixed-point number, the others are integers.
* We also assume that Du (width of the view plane) is equal to D (width of
* the map), though it isn't so critical.
* Since we scan from larger y's to smaller y's (that is, from farther ahead
* to near, that is, towards the observer), then if a (u,v) point generated by
* the algorithm should obscure (u,v) point generated at an earlier pass
* (with larger y), it would just overwrite the old point. However, if we just
* draw (u,v) dots we compute we get a dotty picture. Note, that actually we see
* a segment of line (x,y,z)-(x1,y-dy,z1). If we just connect two points generated
* in two consecutive scans, (u,v1) and (u,vold), it wouldn't be always
* right, because the original line could've been obscured. Suppose that
* z0 (elevation of the observation point) is high enough (comparable with
* the hight of the tallest peaks). Then if v(u,y+dy) > v(u,y) for some
* u and dy>0, then we have a descending slope, and the line is visible.
* Otherwise the line is on ascending slope, and it couldn't be visible
* because it will be obscured by the descending slope (which should be
* closer to us). Note the line from (u,c1) to (u,vold) is a vertical one,
* and therefore, is very easy to draw (and clip, if necessary).
* When we create (u,v) map, we assign to the point (u,v) the intensity
* (color) of the f(x,y) point of the original map. We can use Gouraud
* interpolation in drawing the line.
* Generalization: draw boxes (quadraluzation), than we can increase the
* scanning step in u (or in y) in the algorithm above.
* For this particular program, we also draw a part of the map as it is
* (that is, a 2D picture) above the horizon: just to make clouds.
* Inspiration:
* Tim Clarke, tjc1005@hermes.cam.ac.uk
* Note, there are some typos in that post. And my notation is completely different
* from his.
#include "std.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "window.h"
#define Debug 0
const int eye_focus = 70;
const int sight_depth = 170;
* An instance of a generic screen window to display
* a "3D" image
class ProjectionWindow : public OffScreenWindow
const IMAGE& map; // that specifies z=f(x,y)
int x0, y0, z0; // Point of view
int hor; // Elevation of the horizon on the view plane
Boolean do_animation;
void project(void); // Draw a projection in an offscreen
// world
// Draw clouds above the horizon
void draw_clouds(const int horizon, const int starting_y);
// A class to handle one scanline of the view plane
struct OneViewScanline
const int width;
short * vs;
char * color;
OneViewScanline(const int _width);
// Put all zeros (for the final scanline)
void clear(void);
OneViewScanline scanline1, scanline2;
void draw_scanline(OneViewScanline& scanline, const int y);
// Connect two scanlines, sl0 to sl1, drawing
// vertical lines between corresponding points
// (if the lines are visible)
void connect_scanlines(OneViewScanline& sl0, OneViewScanline& sl1);
// redefining some event handlers
virtual Boolean handle_key_down(const EventRecord& the_event);
virtual Boolean handle_null_event(const long event_time);
ProjectionWindow(const IMAGE& image, const char * title);
~ProjectionWindow(void) {}
// Creating a window that would have our picture
// displayed.
ProjectionWindow::ProjectionWindow(const IMAGE& image, const char * title)
: OffScreenWindow(ScreenRect(rowcol(256,image.q_ncols())),title,256),
x0 = map.q_ncols()/2; // Pick up the initial observation point
y0=0; // somewhere in the middle
z0 = 200;
hor = 150;
do_animation = TRUE;
// Handles key_down & auto_key events. Return FALSE
// if the window is to be closed down
// The key handled move the observer and/or
// change his direction of view (horizon)
// To the observer (that is, us) it looks like
// the entire scene moves.
Boolean ProjectionWindow::handle_key_down(const EventRecord& the_event)
//message("char pressed %ld",the_event.message & charCodeMask);
switch(the_event.message & charCodeMask)
case 11: // PgUp
if( the_event.modifiers & optionKey )
if( hor < 250 )
else if( z0 < 250 )
case 12: // PgDn
if( the_event.modifiers & optionKey )
if( hor > 5 )
else if( z0 > 0 )
case 30: // Arrow Up
if( (y0 +=2) >= map.q_nrows() )
y0 = 0;
case 31: // Arrow Down
if( (y0 -=2) < 0 )
y0 = map.q_nrows()-1;
case 28: // Arrow Left
if( (x0 -=4) < 0 )
x0 = map.q_ncols()-1;
case 29: // Arrow Righ
if( (x0 +=4) >= map.q_ncols() )
x0 = 0;
return FALSE; // Other keys kill the application
return TRUE;
// Handles null events, when nothing happens for some
// time. Return FALSE when it's time to die
// This function changes the view point (that
// is, moves the scene) with the time
// (or with the mouse moves), and makes animation
// When the mouse button is pressed, the
// scene moves with the mouse; otherwise, it
// moves by itself.
Boolean ProjectionWindow::handle_null_event(const long event_time)
static long int prev_tick_count = 0;
static Point prev_mouse_loc;
if( prev_tick_count == 0 )
prev_tick_count = TickCount();
return TRUE;
if( !do_animation )
return TRUE;
if( StillDown() ) // If mouse button is kept pressed, the user
{ // wants to lead the way. Move the picture
Point new_point; // as he moves the mouse
x0 += (new_point.h - prev_mouse_loc.h)*2;
y0 -= (new_point.v - prev_mouse_loc.v)*2;
prev_mouse_loc = new_point;
// prev_tick_count = TickCount();
x0 += 4; // Move the scene - do animation
y0 += 4;
if( x0 >= map.q_ncols()) // Do some clipping
x0 = 0;
else if( x0 < 0 )
x0 = map.q_ncols()-1;
if( y0 >= map.q_nrows())
y0 = 0;
else if( y0 < 0 )
y0 = map.q_nrows()-1;
return TRUE; // Keep going
// Allocate data for one scanline of the view window
ProjectionWindow::OneViewScanline::OneViewScanline(const int _width)
: width(_width)
// Allocate memory in one chunk for both arrays
vs = (short *)malloc(width*(sizeof(vs[0])+sizeof(color[0])));
assert( vs != 0 );
color = (char *)vs + width*sizeof(vs[0]);
// Dispose of the arrays
assert( vs != 0 );
delete vs; // color would be disposed of, too
// Put all zeros (for the final scanline)
void ProjectionWindow::OneViewScanline::clear(void)
memset((void *)vs,0,width*sizeof(vs[0]));
memset((void *)color,0,width*sizeof(color[0]));
// Draw a scanline, i.e. line of const y for
// all u's within 0..width-1
// see formulas above
// For factor, invfactor, xref we use a fixed-
// point arithmetic with 8-bit implied fraction
void ProjectionWindow::draw_scanline(OneViewScanline& scanline, const int y)
int factor = (eye_focus<<8)/(y-y0);
int invfactor = ((long)(y-y0)<<8)/eye_focus;
// We know that xref = -D/2/factor + x0
// But we want to keep xref positive, moreover,
// within [0,D-1]. Since the map is periodic
// with period D, then we can write
// xref = floor(1/2/factor)*D - (D/2)*(1/factor) + x0
// or,
// xref = D( floor(1/2/factor) - (1/2/factor) ) + x0
// = -D*frac(1/2/factor) + x0
// In fixed point 8-bit fraction arithmetic, it's elementary
// to separate integer and fractional part of
// the invfactor/2
// It's easy to see that xref we got is within the desired
// interval, give or take one D.
int xref = (x0<<8) - scanline.width * ( (unsigned char)(invfactor >> 1) );
// Make sure xref is within [0,width) in
// the fixed-point 8-bit fraction arithmetic
const int width_fp = scanline.width<<8;
if( xref >= width_fp )
xref -= width_fp;
if( xref < 0 )
xref += width_fp;
// Clip y to the map, if map.q_nrows()
// is an exact power of two, clipping
// is just &
int y_map = y & (map.q_nrows()-1);
#if 0
int y_map = y;
while( y_map >= map.q_nrows() )
y_map -= map.q_nrows();
#if Debug
message("draw scanline y=%d, factor %d, xref %d",y,factor,xref);
register short * vp;
register char * cp;
for(vp=scanline.vs, cp = scanline.color; vp<&scanline.vs[scanline.width]; )
int x = xref>>8;
int z = map(y_map,x);
*vp++ = ((factor*(z-z0))>>8) + hor;
*cp++ = z;
#if Debug
if( vp - scanline.vs < 5 )
message("map(%d,%d) is %d, projected to v=%d",y_map,x,z,*(vp-1));
if( (xref += invfactor) >= width_fp )
xref -= width_fp;
// Draw a projection in an offscreen
// graf world
void ProjectionWindow::project(void)
// SetOffscreenWorld offscreen_world(*this);
// ScreenRect sub_horizon(q_bounds());
// sub_horizon.top +=40; //= sub_horizon.bottom-z0;
// sub_horizon.print("sub horizon");
// EraseRect(sub_horizon);
OneViewScanline * curr_scanline = &scanline1,
* prev_scanline = &scanline2;
// note curr_scanline ^ pointer_diff
// gives prev_scanline, and
// vice versa
int pointer_diff = (long int)curr_scanline ^ (long int)prev_scanline;
register int y;
for(y=y0+sight_depth-1; y >= y0 + eye_focus; y--)
#if Debug
if((y0+sight_depth-1)-y > 3 )
// exchange pointers
// curr_scanline = (OneViewScanline*)((long int)curr_scanline ^ pointer_diff);
// prev_scanline = (OneViewScanline*)((long int)prev_scanline ^ pointer_diff);
(long int&)prev_scanline ^= pointer_diff;
(long int&)curr_scanline ^= pointer_diff;
// Connect two scanlines, sl0 to sl1, drawing
// vertical lines between the corresponding points
// (if the lines are visible)
void ProjectionWindow::connect_scanlines(
OneViewScanline& sl0, OneViewScanline& sl1)
PixMapHandle pixmap = get_pixmap();
assert( LockPixels(pixmap) );
char * pixp = GetPixBaseAddr(pixmap);
register int u;
for(u=0; u<width(); u++) // Draw a vertical line (u,v)-(u,vold)
{ // (providing it's visible)
int vold = sl0.vs[u];
int v = sl1.vs[u];
if( v > vold )
continue; // The line is on the ascending slope and *will* be obscured later
// Keep in mind that v <= vold now
if( v >= height() || vold <= 0 )
continue; // means both v and vold are out-of-picture
if( v < 0 )
v = 0;
// Now, 0<=v <= vold
int z0 = (unsigned char)sl0.color[u]<<4; // For the purpose of color interpolation
int z = (unsigned char)sl1.color[u]<<4; // we use fixed-point arithmetic with 4 bit
int stretch = v == vold ? 0 : (z0-z)/(vold-v);// implicit fraction
#if Debug
message("u=%ld drawing from v=%ld to vold=%ld at zs %lx-%lx",u,v,vold,z>>4,z0>>4);
// draw a line from v to vold
// Note that v on mac goes from top to bottom,
// that is, we need a flip
char * pixp_beg = pixp + u + (height()-1-v) * bytes_per_row();
// *pixp_beg = 126;
for(; v <= (vold > height()-1 ? height()-1 : vold); v++,pixp_beg -= bytes_per_row())
*pixp_beg = z>>4,
z += stretch;
// Draw clouds above the horizon line
// using the same map
// Simply speaking, just copy a rectangular
// segment of the map with y from 0 to
// horizon into the offscreen world
// Below the horizon, fill everything (I mean,
// the offscreen world) with the
// background "pixel"
void ProjectionWindow::draw_clouds(const int horizon, const int starting_y)
const unsigned char background_pixel = 124;
assert( horizon >= 0 && horizon < height() );
PixMapHandle pixmap = get_pixmap();
assert( LockPixels(pixmap) );
char * pixp = GetPixBaseAddr(pixmap);
char * pixp_stop = pixp + (height()-horizon)*bytes_per_row();
register int i; // "Draw" the image
for(i=starting_y; pixp<pixp_stop; i++, pixp += bytes_per_row()-width())
{ // Note, bytes_per_row is generally GREATER
register int j; // than width, and is always a multiple of 4
if( i >= map.q_nrows() )
i = 0; // make wrap-around
for(j=0; j<width(); j++)
*pixp++ = map(i,j);
pixp_stop += horizon*bytes_per_row(); // Continue till the end of pixmap
for(; pixp<pixp_stop; pixp += bytes_per_row()-width())
{ // Note, bytes_per_row is generally GREATER
register int j; // than width, and is always a multiple of 4
for(j=0; j<width(); j++)
*pixp++ = background_pixel;
* Routing display function
void project_3D(const IMAGE& image, const char * title)
if( image.q_nrows() & (image.q_nrows()-1) )
_error("Number of rows, %d isn't an exact power of two",image.q_nrows());
if( image.q_ncols() & (image.q_ncols()-1) )
_error("Number of columns, %d isn't an exact power of two",image.q_ncols());
#if 0
IMAGE image1(image);
register int i,j;
int ncols = image.q_ncols();
for(j=-20; j<20; j++)
for(i=-5; i<5; i++)
image1(eye_focus+i,j+ncols/2) = 128 - 5*abs(i+j),
image1(eye_focus+40+i,j+ncols/2) = 180 - 7*abs(i+j);
ProjectionWindow map_projection(image1,title);
ProjectionWindow map_projection(image,title);